Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Creative Writing!!!

Today, we were doing an excercise about communication skills, and my task was to transform following sentence into a complete argument:

"I think we should launch the Cytherea product line on June 15th."

Following is what I came up with in 10 minutes, and amazed myself as well as few others:

I propose that we aim to launch the Cytherea product line on June 15th. I am presuming that Venus Corporation is coming out with a competing product in July end, and I believe that with our solid engineering team, we can deliver before them. Given that the prototype is ready and has received good feedback from test customers, the basic architecture of product is already in good shape. Does anyone think it is not a realistic goal? Please feel free to share any concerns.

Yes, this is self congratulatory, but today I came to know about the creative writing skills hidden in me, and a guy does have the right to pat his own back :-)

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